Leaving a legacy
For over 35 years our summer festival has brought the world’s finest musicians to the Lake District and supported the next generation of exciting young artists.
Imagine the difference leaving a gift in your Will or making a gift in memoriam of a loved one could make. You can help secure the future of our festival and ensure that promising young artists will still be able to receive high-calibre tuition from masterclasses and performance opportunities to help kickstart their professional careers.
Leaving a legacy
Making a Will is a deeply personal matter and we understand that your loved ones always come first.
We’d be very happy to talk to you about what your legacy could achieve and how it will help secure the future of the Festival and the young artists it supports. Whilst you are under no obligation to give us any details, if we have a note of your intentions, we will be able to keep you informed of our plans and thank you for your thoughtful generosity.
We understand that circumstances can change. If you do choose to remember us in your Will, you can always change your mind at any time.
Types of gift you can leave in your Will
Residuary – once you have taken care of your loved ones, you can leave a share of your remaining estate to Lake District Summer Music.
Pecuniary – you can choose to leave a specific amount of money in your Will.
A specific gift – you can choose to leave us a specific item. This could be something valuable such as jewellery, a painting, an antique, property or even shares.
We strongly recommend that you discuss the type of gift you would like to leave to Lake District Summer Music with your solicitor.

Tax Incentives
An estate does not have to pay any tax on a gift left to Lake District Summer Music as it is a registered charity.
Donations are taken before Inheritance Tax is calculated, therefore, by remembering Lake District Summer Music in your Will, you may be able to reduce the taxable value of your assets and lower the amount of inheritance tax due on your estate.
If you choose to leave 10% or more of your net estate to charitable beneficiaries after any exemptions have been considered, you will pay a lower amount of inheritance tax: 36% instead of 40%, on the non-charitable parts of the estate.
For more information about the tax benefits of leaving a gift in your will to a charity, please visit the HMRC website.
Get in touch
If you would like to have a confidential discussion about leaving a legacy in your Will, or about making a gift in memoriam of a loved one, please contact our Executive Director Nick Hardisty on 01539 266202 or nick@ldsm.org.uk